After a complete lunar eclipse in which the sun, Earth, and moon formed a straight line in the night sky, the moon shone red on Sunday night and early Monday morning.
The moon passes through the umbra, the deepest region of the Earth’s shadow, during a total lunar eclipse. According to NASA, the moon takes on a reddish tinge as it passes through the umbra because blue and green light is more readily dispersed by dust particles in the atmosphere, while orange and red hues stay more visible. Because of this, lunar eclipses are frequently referred to as “blood moons.”
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In 2022, There Will Be Seven More Full Moons:
According to The Old Farmer’s Almanac, there will be seven more full moons in 2022:
- Strawberry Moon on June 14th
- 13th of July: Buck moon
- Sturgeon moon on August 11th.
- Harvest moon on September 10th
- 9th of October: Hunter’s moon
- Beaver moon on November 8th.
- Cold moon on December 7th.
These are Native American tribes‘ names for the monthly full moons that have become prominent. Because a full moon has varied meanings for various tribes month to month or season to season, the names changed from tribe to tribe.
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Eclipses of the moon and sun
A total lunar eclipse will take place.
According to The Old Farmer’s Almanac, there will be another complete lunar eclipse in 2022, as well as a partial solar eclipse.
When the moon crosses in front of the sun but only blocks a portion of its light, a partial solar eclipse occurs. Solar eclipses should be seen securely using eclipse glasses, since the sun’s brightness may be harmful to your eyes.
Greenland, Iceland, Europe, northern Africa, the Middle East, western Asia, India, and western China will see a partial solar eclipse on October 25.
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From North America, it will be invisible.
After this weekend, the next complete lunar eclipse will occur on November 8 between 3:01 a.m. and 8:58 a.m. ET for those in Asia, Australia, the Pacific, and South, and North America — although the moon will be set for those in eastern North America.
Showers of meteors
The following are the nine showers that will peak in 2022:
Delta of the South July 29-30, Aquariids
- Capricornids Alpha: July 30-31
- August 11-12: Perseids
- October 20-21: Orionids
- 4-5 November: Southern Taurids
- 11-12 November: Northern Taurids
- 17-18 November: Leonids
- December 13-14, Gemini
- 21-22 December: Ursids
If you reside in a city, you may want to travel to a location where there aren’t many city lights to get the finest view.
Look for an open space with a clear view of the sky. Make sure you’re sitting in a chair or on a blanket where you can see straight up. Allow your eyes to acclimate to the darkness for 20 to 30 minutes without glancing at your phone or other devices, so the meteors are easier to notice.
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The Project Vertigo Voyager.
The Voyager receives a makeover Scientists working on the Vertigo Voyager project are trying to figure out why Voyager 1 is behaving so strangely. The attitude articulation and control system (AACS) aboard the probe is sending telemetry data that isn’t correct. However, none of the probe’s inbuilt fault prevention mechanisms have yet been activated by the problem. The signal intensity of Voyager 1 hasn’t changed either.
This indicates that the probe’s high-gain antenna is still oriented toward Earth, which is correct.
The AACS seems to be operational, but it’s producing data that “may appear to be arbitrarily produced, or may not represent any probable condition the AACS may be in.”
Suzanne Dodd, project manager for Voyager 1 and 2, commented, “A puzzle like this is kind of par for the course at this point of the Voyager mission.” “Both spacecraft are about 45 years old, which is significantly above the mission planners’ expectations.” We’re also in interstellar space, where no spacecraft has ever traveled. As a result, the engineering team faces significant obstacles. But I’m certain that our team will find a solution to the AACS problem.”