Recent funding from the New Jersey Chemistry Council Education Foundation will be used to improve the scientific program at Trenton’s Ninth Grade Academy.
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Since its inception in 1999, the organization has raised over $225,000 to support and advance STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education across the Garden State.
The New Jersey Chemistry Education Foundation (NJCCEF) donated $20,000 to “assist supply the school’s science lab,” according to a press statement from the New Jersey Chemistry Council.
According to the press release, the goal of the initiative is to “help motivate young kids to explore and contemplate STEM education and jobs,” and it will “supplement the many existing programs both at the state and national level supporting more diversity.”
“In an effort to promote diversity and inclusion in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) programs and careers, CCNJ staff reached out to Trenton 9th Grade Academy to learn more about their requirements and how we might be able to assist in expanding
Gabrielle Flora, a science teacher at the school, sent out a call for donations to the school’s science lab on the internet. In the message, Flora lamented, “We are a science lab with no lab materials!”
Rearranging my classroom to provide a place for interactive lab simulations, learning stations, and project-based learning nooks is essential if I am to develop a stimulating scientific curriculum.
According to a press release from the Community Council of New Jersey (CCNJ), CCNJ Deputy Executive Director and Trenton native Elvin Montero reached out to Flora to inquire about how the organization might assist the school because of its proximity to the CCNJ office.
The Foundation was able to help Trenton 9th Grade Academy after collecting all the money they needed via donations from various corporations and individuals, according to a press statement.
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The executive director of the Chemistry Council of New Jersey, Dennis Hart, is ecstatic at the response of the council’s members and their employees to the plea for assistance with Ms. Flora’s scientific students.
We’d like to see this money go toward setting up a fully functional science lab in a classroom where the students can engage in hands-on learning by conducting experiments using real-world materials.
We want students to be enthusiastic about the potential of science and to think about a career in STEM as they move further in their schooling, Montero said. CCNJ workers were briefed on the science lab’s future objectives by school administrators, and potential opportunities for collaboration with industry were discussed.