Jerry Jones owner of the Dallas Cowboys, apologised Tuesday afternoon.
In a statement, he said, “I know I made a comment earlier today that some people might have found offensive.” “I apologise.”
Jones was paying tribute to former Cowboys director of scouting Larry Lacewell when he used the “m” word, which Little People of America considers a derogatory slur. The 65-year-old organisation said in a 2015 article called “LPA issues statement to abolish the’m’ word” that the word was created as a label for short people who were put on public display for curiosity and sport.
Jones said this during a time when everyone else was talking about the deaths of more than 10 former Cowboys players, coaches, employees, and partners. The owner and general manager of the Cowboys said that in June, he went to Arkansas State for a memorial service for Lacewell.
Jones said, “Stephen and I went to Jonesboro, where a lot of our staff, especially our scouts, gave a big memorial to Lace.” “This is where Lace held court.”
Jones then used the slur to say that he wanted someone shorter than him “to stand him up there with me and dress him up like Lace. It’s crazy to think that Lace is still out here with us, helping us look at practise. We all need our props, you know.”
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Jones used a term that Merriam-Webster says is “sometimes offensive” to describe a very small or unusually small person. He showed the height of a shorter person with his hand. Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries calls the word “taboo, offensive,” and then defines it as “an offensive word for a person who is very short because of a medical condition called dwarfism.” says it is a “older term that is insulting and rude.”
“Language has the power to cause permanent damage to a person’s self-esteem and sense of self,” the Little People of America website says. “This is true whether the word is used to bully and insult or just as a synonym for small.” “The community of people with dwarfism has said that they prefer to be called dwarfs, little people, people of short stature, or people with dwarfism, or just by their given names.”
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Hornswoggle, a wrestling star who was born with a genetic condition that causes him to be short, says that Jerry Jones shouldn’t have apologised for using the “m-word” earlier this week. He told TMZ Sports that he doesn’t find the word offensive.
Swoggle, whose real name is Dylan Postl, explained everything to us just one day after the Dallas Cowboys owner used the word in a joke about a former worker who had died in May.
The former WWE superstar said, “You didn’t have to apologise to me, Jerry Jones.” “I like that you use the word because I also use the word. Because I’m fine and don’t worry too much about myself.”
Jones said in his joke about Larry Lacewell that he wanted to “get me a m*****” to dress up as Dallas’s former Director of College and Pro Scouting and stand next to him at practises.
Little People of America,
which is thought to be the largest organisation in the world that helps people who are short, was upset by the comment and asked for an apology. A short time later, Jones said he was sorry.
But Hornswoggle says that he hopes Jerry keeps using the word, telling us, “He doesn’t mean anything bad by it. That’s what I do. He is not using it to make fun of the community.”
Swoggle added, “If something like that bothers you, you take yourself way too seriously. We are all people. All of us have the same blood. I just think it’s silly.”
“It’s completely stupid.”
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