You may spend the day here from Ocean or Monmouth County since there is a Santa Run, a tour of magnificent decorated homes, and train trips.
Have You Started Feeling the Holiday Cheer?
Some of my favourite things to do around the holidays are to decorate the house, put up the tree, listen to Christmas music, and bake cookies. My family and I always kick off our Christmas celebrations the weekend following Thanksgiving.
My family and I start the holiday season with some Black Friday shopping, then we decorate my parents’ home, including putting up their Christmas tree, lights, and cookies.
Consider visiting the hamlet that is being hailed as New Jersey’s best “old-fashioned” Christmas destination if you’re seeking to shake up your holiday traditions this year.
The town’s central business district is decked out for a traditional Christmas, making the holiday shopping experience here particularly enjoyable.
Moreover, the entire month of December is dedicated to a series of celebrations in that town.
In My Opinion, the Santa Run Looks Like a Lot of Fun
Santa and Mrs. Claus arrive by train every year, and the town puts on a real nativity scene for the kids. The annual Christmas House Tour is the town’s main draw.
Every year, locals and tourists alike go to this quaint town to marvel at the historic mansions that line its streets, all decorated to the nines for the holiday season.
Each year is like a fresh tour since the homeowners change things up and each property is unique. Can you name the town in New Jersey that was voted the best place to experience a classic Christmas?
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Cape May is the first place that comes to mind because of its beautiful Victorian-era homes, charming downtown business district, and charmingly lit streets. Only in Your State, however, claims that the most traditional Christmas may be found in a little rural village in Salem County, New Jersey.
If you and your family are looking for a great place to spend the day over the holidays, Woodstown, New Jersey is the place to go.