Welcome to the Write for Us section of New Jersey Local News, where we discuss all major topics such as Celebrities News, Dating, and Entertainment.
We warmly welcome talented authors who deliver outstanding articles on the selected topics. What are you still holding out for? Contact us right now!
Guest Post Guidelines
- We only promote original material. Do not replicate anything; provide only unique material. Make certain that any photographs you use adhere to the ‘720×400 dimensions and are authentic.
- The submitted article must contain at least 1000 words.
- The length of an article has no restrictions.
- In publications containing facts or data, all relevant and respectable sources must be cited.
- There is a “No Promotion” policy in place. This suggests that you cannot advertise a brand through your work. Please keep these items away. You may include a link to your website in your bio, but only once every two to three phrases.
- Last but not least, don’t forget to include a 350-character or less summary of the essay. This will allow you to capture the essence of each item more effectively.
Guests Post Types
Only the following subjects are accepted:
- Dating
- Entertainment
- Celebrities and Lifestyle
- Relationship
- Technology
- Sports
External Links
You can also include a backlink to your own blog in your material if it is pertinent. We only permit one “No Follow Link”, and it must be relevant to your own blog.
Never post any articles that have been copied and pasted from other websites. If a duplicate of the article is discovered online, the content will be removed without warning. Editing the post is within our rights.
How to Post a Guest Blog?
Please email your guest post to “newjerseylocalnewsofficial@gmail.com” as an attachment in text or word format with the subject “Guest Posting for New Jersey Local News”
- Subject – Guest Posting for New Jersey Local News
- Topic
- The website
If you follow all our instructions, we’ll definitely get back to you!